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Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley poses for a photo-op. He has yet to sign any legislation regarding police reform.

Effective Strategy

What works and why

Trying to convince millions of people to vote for changes on a national scale is a Fool’s Errand. Changing things in our cities, with only a few thousand votes is simple in comparison. Let’s fix our communities and policing our city, today.


Politicians Contacted


Overview of the Problem

Thousands of Americans have been killed at the hands of violent police officers.

George Floyd, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile and sadly, the list goes on and on.

Demonstrations, protests and even riots soon follow, but when the dust settles, not much has changed.

Like a weed that has been cut down, police brutality grows back from the leftover roots not long after the demonstrations have ended.

Politicians march hand-in-hand with demonstrators, posing for photo ops and banking their ‘good-politician’-points, yet take no action to remedy the current situation.

The weeds that need removal are the violent police officers, but the roots are the politicians that enable their behavior. It’s time to hold them accountable for their inaction.

It’s time for a new strategy.


  1. Require that all officers carry liability insurance that pays for judgments against them. Doctors carry malpractice insurance, and bad doctors are not employed for long.
    • “Reward the good officers; price-out the bad!”
  2. Outlaw civil asset forfeiture. No person’s property can be found guilty.
    • “Re-criminalize state theft!”
  3. Legalize all victimless crimes. Jailing non-violent citizens is not justice.
    • “If there is no victim, there is no crime!”
  4. Outlaw no-knock warrants/raids.
    • “No-knock = ‘…unreasonable search…’. Re-legalize the 4th Amendment.”
  5. Outlaw sex between police officer and their detainee.
    • “It’s not ‘sex’, it’s rape. Consent is impossible while in custody. “


We won’t settle for words of encouragement and supposed solidarity from our local politicians any longer.

Our communities cannot afford to have politicians who are on the fence on these issues.

We must confront them and ask them to pledge their support of our solutions. (Find out how)

If they pledge their support, and take concrete steps toward implementing the solutions, we can reward them with our support.

If they refuse to pledge their support, or avoid giving an answer (cop-out), we will actively support a challenger to their seat, recruit a challenger or challenge them ourselves.

Happy People Says

Marty Kamson
Project Manager

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Lexi Sandolv
Project Manager

u0022Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text used in web design, typography, layout, and printing in place of English to emphasise design elements over contentu0022